Working together, we can achieve far more than anyone of us can alone. Indeed, this is why our happiness depends so strongly on our social connections - we evolved to not only survive but to thrive, through our communities. By promoting skillful interactions, both within and outside our academic community, we will promote positive mental health science and practices for all.
Building Our University Community
The university community contains a broad range of diverse experiences and knowledge in the Science and Practice of Well-Being. We will promote the interaction of these diverse stakeholders through meetings, seminars, and workshops to foster the growth and development of a vibrant community of mental health scientists and practitioners. We are also privileged to be partnering with the UO Well-Being Collective, a cohort of individuals passionate about making a change on campus towards mental wellness. The Collective manages the Duck Nest as well as facilitates other well-being resources for UO students, faculty, and staff.
Club Sponsporships
We are currently sponsoring two student-run organizations on campus, the Positive Psychology club and the Oregon Mindfulness club, both of which are incredibly welcoming communities that provide an environment for students to make healthy social connections and learn topics such as mindfulness, meditation, and happiness. You can also learn more information on the Positive Psychology club through their website.