Growth Mindset & Achievement
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” -Confucius
A Growth Vs. Fixed Mindset & Defining Achievement
Growth Mindset
This type of mindset is a learned thought pattern people develop when they become more optimistic during challenges or setbacks and are open to critique and changeability. They do not personalize their failures but instead use their mistakes as lessons to keep learning and growing. They know their abilities are not set in stone and can improve over time with effort. People with growth mindsets are more resilient, thus less susceptible to depression, anxiety, and chronic stress, and they are more likely to sustain long-term happiness.
Fixed Mindset
This type of mindset is a learned thought pattern people develop when they believe they cannot grow from challenges or setbacks. These people believe they are born with a certain set of abilities that cannot change over time, and they are less open to learning new things because they have a preconceived narrative of how they will perform. People with fixed mindsets personalize their failures and thus are more susceptible to depressive rumination, self-criticism, chronic stress, depression, and anxiety.
You Can Change
What is important to emphasize is these mindsets are learned over time, often developed at an early age through experiencing our place in the world. Yes, it is true studies have shown people can carry genetics predisposed to optimism or pessimism, which can influence one’s perspective towards a growth or fixed mindset. But these aspects of our personalities also show susceptibility to change through pivotal, transformative events or perspectives in our lives. We can re-learn and re-train our brains by recognizing self-narratives and creating healthier habits that induce a process called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is critical to changing all of these self-limiting habits. Some are easy to change — some are extremely difficult — but, all can change if you just put your "mind" to it. You can't change them all at once, as with all new abilities, it takes repeated and concerted effort. But, here is the good news, that effort will pay off. You CAN change your old patterns of thoughts, doing, and feeling. You can become happier, healthier, more confident, resilient, and open to redefining the limits of your possibilities.
What is Achievement?
Achievement is having a sense of meaningful accomplishment in one's life. A sense of achievement is important to our well-being because it allows us to feel proud of our abilities, interests, and purpose. We feel best when our achievements are not tied solely to extrinsic goals, such as money or fame, but instead when we are driven by internal goals, such as connection or growth. We are better able to sustain long-term happiness when our intention to achieve goals is tied primarily to the passion for learning or growth and when we do not derive our value from the size or amount of our external goals. A growth mindset is essential in sustaining one's achievements in life.
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