
Scientific investigations reveal that mental well-being is influenced across multiple levels, from genetic to neuro-developmental, to psychological and cultural/social.

Our goal is to promote scientifically based studies and insights into well-being practices in the adult population, particularly among college students. For example, one current study focuses on optimizing university-level course instruction into the neuroscience and positive psychology of well-being, with the end goal of freely providing, both nationally and internationally, optimized course materials.


Learning to distance yourself from your own internal mental rhetoric has been demonstrated to significantly enhance mental well-being. One of our investigations will examine whether regular practice of self-distancing can be taught to university students, through meditation or 3rd person journaling, and result in a significant enhancement of their sense of well-being and positive life engagement.

Neuroscience of Well-Being Skills

Investigations into the modifications of neural activity associated with positive life-skill acquisition (e.g. enhanced ability to take a self-distanced perspective) will be examined through fMRI studies.