Purpose & Meaning
“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” -Carl Jung
What They Are and How to Cultivate Them
Finding our purpose helps us find meaning in life, and thus fulfills the human need for love and belonging. Purpose is an intention in how we choose to live our lives and varies from person to person, ranging from small to large. We can have small purposes that are closer to our personal lives, such as striving to be a good friend, or larger purposes, such as dedicating one's life to aiding a disadvantaged community. Similar to achievement, the most beneficial purposes are those tied to intrinsic goals of connection and growth for ourselves and others. We can also have multiple purposes in life that change over time, and we can find them by giving our time, money, or abilities (volunteering, donating, etc.), surrounding ourselves with new and positive people, being curious and exploring our interests, and taking time to consider what our values are.
Meaning is defined as the intrinsic sense all humans have to feel "belonging and/or serving something greater than ourselves." Finding meaning in life most often involves social connection and contribution to a community. In times of challenge, having meaning expands our ability to see the bigger picture, reminding us that we are bigger than our problems and that we experience negative emotions to learn and grow from challenges. Similar to purpose, people's meanings may differ, but the benefits of finding meaning are the same for everyone. According to Positive Psychology.com, we can find meaning through "a profession, a social or political cause, a creative endeavor, or a religious/spiritual belief...a career or through extracurricular, volunteer, or community activities."
Articles & More
Stop searching for your passion | Terri Trespicio
Elizabeth Gilbert: Don't Chase Your Passion And Maybe You'll Find It
Allow things to unfold and you will find your purpose in life | Peggy Oki
IKIGAI | A Japanese Philosophy for Finding Purpose
Wu-wei | The Art of Letting Things Happen
Our Thoughts & Intentions Create Our Reality | Allen Klein